Plan miasta Rogatin

Rogatin - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Today is going very well...

He also said that the rest of the town's Jewish population was sent to the Rogatin ghetto. We showed him a picture of savta's grandfather with some other family members and he claimed that it was taken inside that house. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

America, Middle Class and Protestant Nations are being led fast to b.../b

It is the subprime commercial real bestate/b credit and loan trickery bubble. These latter loans, like subprime housing loans, were "bundled" and sold from one "money entity" to another; for example, sold by a bank, to another bank, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

America, Middle Class and Protestant Nations are being led fast to b.../b

Top 1% updated 10-21-9. Obama's grandfather was a Jew. And next link is a most courageous and truly honest expose on Zionist Jews by Benjamin H. Freedman. Note: It is crucial that you click file 1, preface.mp3, and each file in turn; ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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